by Muyunda Makala and Mwananyandi Mukunyandela

The Zambian Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Hon. Nkandu Luo and some senior government officials yesterday, 25th October 2014, paid a courtesy call on the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE). The purpose of visit was twofold: 1) to find out why BRE boycotted Zambia’s Golden Jubilee celebrations; and 2) to find out why Chief Chiyengele was dethroned.   On the boycott of Zambia’s Golden Jubilee celebrations, Induna Inete, Tawila Akapelwa Silumbu, explained that the assumption by Zambia was a misconception as BRE realized that it had no role to play according to the Zambian government program. This was despite BRE’s earlier intervention to correct the situation. It was also clear that Barotseland was not recognized as the other territory comprised in present day Zambia. He also wondered why the Zambian government of today only bestowed honor on people from the rest of Zambia (that is former North East Rhodesia and concessioned areas of Barotseland) and completely ignored the sons and daughters of Barotseland. Clearly, Barotseland has been erased from the rest Zambia history, as demonstrated by successive Zambian government regimes. The celebration had no bearing on Barotseland, which were in essence about a separate country.   He further elaborated that Zambia cannot talk about a Golden Jubilee without the Barotseland Agreement 1964 let alone honoring it (Editor’s note: the Zambian government abrogated the Barotseland Agreement 1964 in 1969 and Barotseland accepted the abrogation in 2012 and is currently working to actualize its statehood). He further said the situation was worsened by the fact that the BRE was not even officially invited by the Zambian government.   In his contribution, Induna Mutwaleti added that the people of Barotseland have been sidelined, disregarded and disrespected by successive Zambian regimes for a long time, yet again clearly demonstrating that it has become a norm for Barotseland not to be regarded as part of Zambia. Consequently, Barotseland decided to finally agree to separate from the rest of Zambia in accordance with the 2012 Barotse National Council resolutions.   On the dethronement of Chief Chiyengele, the Kuta informed the delegation that the decision was final. The BRE excised its authority and jurisdiction. The delegation was further informed that the Zambian government had no role in this matter but to take note and act accordingly.   Meanwhile, a senior Mbunda, Mr Go Brown Kayuwa Kashumba, informed the delegation that people in the jurisdiction of former Chief Chengele recognised His Majesty King Lubosi Imwiko II as the Head of State of the Kingdom of Barotseland and welcomed the decision of the Kuta in that regard. Mr Kashumba wondered why the Zambian government was still denying the people of Barotseland their right to self-determination, yet they were the ones who abrogated the unity Agreement and worked against it soon after Zambia independence. He reminded President Sata about his failure to honor his campaign promise of honoring the Barotseland Agreement 1964. Others asked the delegation why the Zambian government was building tribal conflict and creating a refugee problem in Barotseland?   The Barotse Imilemas (BIs) were also present at the Kuta to show solidarity while chanting slogans – 'Barotseland ki naha (Barotseland is a state/country)', ‘Barotseland is not Zambia’, and ‘NKandu Luo and her delegation are illegal immigrants in the Kingdom of Barotseland’. The people also sang songs praising the Litunga to the effect that the Litunga was for people and, no matter how much the Zambian government attempts to bribe him and his Kuta, He is for the Kingdom of Barotseland. They also sung the Barotse National Anthem and songs praising the BNFA Chairperson General, Hon. Clement W. Sinyinda. The gathering got to a point where some of the youths started shouting some unpalatables to a point where Hon. Luo could not hold back her tears.   It is reported that after her gruesome experience at the Kuta, she was given an opportunity to pay a courtesy call on His Royal Majesty the Litunga, where she failed to hide her remorse and sobbed in front of His Majesty.