Barotseland cannot celebrate the rest of Zambia’s failed unitary 50th Jubilee

by Litulu

There are many reasons why Barotseland cannot celebrate the rest of Zambia’s failed unitary 50th Jubilee on October 24, 2014, I highlight but six:
  1. Northern Rhodesia government signed the union treaty via the Barotseland Agreement 1964 (BA'64) in bad faith;
  2. Zambia legally ceased to exist as a unitary state following the Zambian government's unilateral abrogation of the BA'64 in 1969;
  3. Barotseland legally exists as a separate state from the rest of Zambia following the BNC resolutions of March 27, 2012;
  4. Zambian government administers Barotseland by oppressive force;
  5. Zambian government failed to provide counter evidence to the Barotseland petition seized by the African Commission on Human and People's Rights in Banjul; and
  6. Zambian government refused to sign the Permanent Court of Arbitration process.
How do we celebrate ownership of our house that has been forcibly taken from us by our neighbor, in the meantime, we have given the neighbor an eviction order and taken him/her to court for refusing to vacate? Let the rest of Zambia celebrate their deception without us. Ki nako to work together in repelling this deceitful neighbor.