Zambians don’t get it

by Muyunda Makala, citizen of Barotseland

I would like to advice disgruntled Zambians on their deceitful stance and ignorance of the facts contained in the annulled Barotseland Agreement 1964 (BA’64) that the issue of Barotseland is historic and legal. Therefore, it is an issue that people should not comment on using their feet but heads and without emotion. Historical facts both oral and written relating to Northern Rhodesia and Barotseland before and after the union Agreement—BA’64—which took the place of all treaties between Great Britain and Barotseland to form a unitary state called Zambia are available. They are taught in history as a subject at secondary school level and in the history of education at college level. Historical facts in terms of pictures and videos are lying in the archive library of Zambia television and radio. In 2011, the terms and conditions of the BA’64 were published in the Times of Zambia, the Zambia Daily Mail, and the Post Newspapers for seven consecutive days for all to read, understand, and make informed and impartial judgment. The instruction to publish the BA’64 came from non-other than the President Michael Sata of Zambia. You don’t need to be a professor or have studied law to understand the following facts: both Northern Rhodesia and Zambia comprised of two distinct territories—Barotseland and North Eastern Rhodesia; Denying these facts, or pretending one does not know them is as deliberate as pretending not know that Kenneth Kaunda was the first republican President of Zambia who abrogated the BA’64 and thereby ceding the rest of Zambia from Barotseland. Therefore, it is only a deceitful person who can argue about or deny the existence of Barotseland, which was in existence before the birth of Zambia in 1964 and Northern Rhodesia in 1911.