Police in Mongu question Hon. Sinyinda & BIs—as he informs them that the upcoming presidential elections in the failed unitary state of Zambia is of no consequence to the now separate Kingdom of Barotseland

By Mwananyandi Mukunyandela

The Chairman General of Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) Hon. Clement Wainyae Sinyinda was on Wednesday 12th November 2014 summoned by Zambia Police Forces based in Mongu-Lealui to answer to some allegations, which he described to be quite outlandish and absurd. This is the latest episode in the Zambian government’s sponsored campaign of terror and torture in the Kingdom of Barotseland perpetrated by the occupying Zambia police and other Zambian ‘security’ agents designed to instill a sense of insecurity, terror and anguish. The Zambia police officers put it to Hon. Sinyinda that they had information to the effect that he (Hon. Sinyinda) was planning to kill certain personalities, destroy government infrastructure and installations within the Kingdom of Barotseland so as to sabotage the upcoming presidential elections in the former or failed unitary state of Zambia thereby hinder the Barotse populace from participating in the elections. Hon Sinyinynda laughed at the bizarre allegations and informed the police officers that the Barotse struggle for international recognition of her` statehood, which BNFA is spear heading, is an open struggle for what is rightfully theirs in a pacific manner. Therefore, it has no place for violence and sabotage of any such kind. We are openly pushing forward our demands in line with the resolutions of the historic Barotse National Council (BNC) of 26th-27th March 2012. The BNFA Chairperson General took the opportunity to educate the officers on what the BNFA has achieved since its inception, including the petition that is laying before the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), Barotseland’s admittance to Unrepresented People’s Organization (UNPO), engagement of internationally renowned Law Firm Messer’s Dougue & Kirtley, the challenge to the Zambian President to sign the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) submission agreement and collecting of over 10,000 Barotse signatures at home and abroad in support of the PCA process. He further informed the police that he and his organization are on record many times, clearly stating commitment to a peaceful struggle through legal and political means because BNFA believes that its struggle is a ‘law matter not a war matter’. With this track record and CV, BNFA will not throw that away over the small matter of the upcoming presidential election in the former or failed unitary state of Zambia, which has no consequence to the now separate Kingdom of Barotseland. Barotseland has already made it clear that it is no longer part of the failed unitary state of Zambia, courtesy of the Zambian government itself as it was the Zambian government, whose laws they are enforcing, that unilaterally abrogated and repudiated the only legal document, which brought together the Kingdom of Barotseland with the rest of Zambia to form the now failed unitary state of Zambia through the Barotseland Agreement 1964. All that Barotseland did was to accept Zambia’s repudiation of that unity treaty according to international law and what is to follow is the formal dissolution of the unitary state of Zambia, which us we all know is no more. Two days after the police’s encounter with the BNFA Chairperson General, they summoned members of Barotse Imilema (BIs), a youth activist group, advocating for the self-determination and self-rule of the Kingdom of Barotseland under the BNFA umbrella. The youth were also subjected to the same or similar allegations to which they were more than willing to respond. The went further to challenge the occupying police that the Zambia government use all kinds of state machinery to intimidate Barotse nationals advocating for Barotseland’s right to self-determination and self-rule through malicious prosecutions and convictions on tramped up charges. The youth, furthermore, charged that the Zambian government using the occupying police force and other security agents flooded and besieged the Kingdom of Barotseland, therefore, both the Zambian government and its security agents are liable for prosecution of gross human right abuses against the people of Barotseland before international courts. The people of Barotseland are denied the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom of assembly and association and many other such related universal human rights, which are a matter of birthright to everyone human being. Because of these gross human rights abuses the police are busy running away from their own shadows and chasing the wind by believing the wildest allegation against those that are courageous enough to continue openly advocating for Barotseland’s Human Rights. The Youth, moreover, challenged the police to allow activists to conduct public meetings openly so that they can hear for themselves what the activists are doing. With such public meetings, the occupying police and illegal Zambia government administration will discover for themselves that Barotseland activists are nonviolent. Barotseland is reclaiming what has always been theirs for the past 500 years of the existence of the Kingdom of Barotseland; their right to self-determination, self-rule and self-development. They are not going to allow the 50-year forced domination under the failed experiment of the Zambian unitary state to take away their 500 year old legacy of well evolved statehood. In addition, the BIs requested audience with Zambia’s resident minister in the Kingdom of Barotseland, Mr. Siamunene, to officially complain against the continued harassment, provocation and state sponsored terrorism by the Zambian government through the Zambia police, other security agents and other state machinery. The Youth met the Minister today, Monday 24th November 2014 following postponed of the meeting from an earlier scheduled date of Friday 21st November 2014. The Youth made the following demands to the Minister and through him to the Zambian government and the international community: 1. The Zambian government should refrain from all acts of provocation against Barotse nationals and other related acts. 2. The Zambian government should unconditionally release all Barotse prisoners in Zambian jails, arrested and convicted on trumped up charges as well as remove the nolle prosque against those that could not be successfully prosecuted and/or convicted. 3. The Zambian government should allow Barotse nationals enjoy the universal Human Rights that all other Humans enjoy with immediate effect—freedom of speech, assembly and association as well as allow access to mass media reporting and coverage. 4. The incoming-Zambian government should engage Barotse activists and the BRE on the disengagement process, sharing of assets and payment of overdue obligation. The in-Zambian government ought to understand that this is not an issue upon which they should continue playing ostrich and learn to hold the bull by its horns and tackle the issue until it is amicably resolved in accordance with international law. It is only prudent that the powers that be should stand ready to support Barotseland statehood as it cannot be neither wished away nor suppressed by the Zambian state sponsored terrorism, intimidation and harassment. We call upon aspiring presidential candidates from the rest of Zambia unashamedly forcing themselves and soliciting votes from Barotseland—a territory that is no longer part of Zambia by virtue of their own actions. Kinako

With God on our side, Barotseland shall be free