Message of condolences on the demise of late Zambian President Sata

by the BNFA Executive Committee

  The Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) joins the international community in mourning the passing of President Michael Chilufya Sata of what was once upon a time a legitimately constituted unitary state of Zambia. It is with much regret that we register the fact that President Sata leaves behind a legacy of missed opportunities in resolving the most devastating constitutional quagmire in respect of the stability of Zambia as a nation state after having ascended to the office of President with a pledge to deal with the matter of Barotseland autonomy within ninety days.   At this most trying moment of mourning and, as we put to rest one of the most notable political leaders of the failed unitary state of Zambia, the BNFA pledges to continue its quest for a peaceful and lawful process for re-establishment of Barotseland statehood. We do this with full realization of the importance of continued cordial relations between the envisaged new nations of Barotseland and the remainder territory of what was Zambia, both during the transition process and beyond. To this end, we hope and trust that those with ambitions of succeeding the late President Sata are aware of the consequences and challenges of presiding over the affairs of the former unitary state of Zambia as it undergoes the dissolution process.   We call for peace, wisdom and good neighborliness as part of the processes of mourning, burial and search for the successor of the late President Sata. We pass our heartfelt condolences to the First Lady, Dr. Chritine Kaseba Sata, and the entire first family. We wish the late President eternal peaceful rest within the caring