My Tribute to a Departed Hero—Mwangelwa Lubinda wa Mbikusita-Lewanika

by Mwananyandi Mukunyandela Mukuyoyisa.

Mwangelwa Lubinda wa Mbikusita-Lewanika earlier this week succumbed to the cold hand of death, man’s common denominator. We put him to rest on Friday, the 12th day of the 12th month in the year of our Lord 2014. Though, we would have loved to have him around for a little longer, the Good Lord in His Infinite wisdom and omniscience has seen it fit to allow His servant to lay his burdens down. He will be greatly missed and completely irreplaceable. Someone suggested that at least God should have allowed this prince to see ‘Uhuru day’ for Barotseland for which he has so tirelessly labored. I am of the opinion that like He did to Moses, God has made His servant to see the ‘Promised Land’ from a mountain top before allowing him to rest on his bosom.  

Sadly the struggle for a free Bulozi has lost a gallant soldier”, said one.

“A dark cloud indeed hanging over Barotseland at this critical moment”, said another.

“I am deeply saddened by the sad news”, said yet another.

  Mwangelwa was a brave and gallant soldier in the struggle for a free and self-governing Barotseland. What really made him stand out was his consistence in the struggle for what he no doubt believed was a just course. I for one first bumped into him in the early 90s and, since then, have never known him to slow down or engage the reverse gear even for a little while. He was always there where the battle was hottest. Another trademark of this outstanding ‘Mwana’ Mulena’ was how he meticulously executed every assignment before him. He did everything as if his whole life depended on it, much to the satisfaction and gratification of all of us who had the grand pleasure and honour to work alongside him.   These outstanding traits stood out and permeated every facet of his life. In the lecture theater to the satisfaction of both students and superiors, at home running errands for brother or sister or doing volunteer work at church. He simply stood out to be the kind of person you could thoroughly depend on without fear of being let down. He was always there when you needed him, always running around to mourn with those that mourn, encourage those that were downcast and rejoice with those that were rejoicing.   Mwangelwa is no more bana bahesu so let’s soldier on without him, difficulty and unimaginable though it may be for “Freedom is coming tomorrow”. We know that he has gone to rest with the full belief that:  

“With God on our side, Barotseland shall be free!”