Barotseland—Zambia’s Refugee Camp-a great masterpiece


by Sepiso Linyama

  I read this great masterpiece. Let each one of us promise what he or she will do for Barotseland. Some say we are not ready to govern ourselves. This is a cowardly way of thinking, behaving and even living. Who was ever given training to be a Governor, Minister, Prime Minister or President. I agree that in the end we judge them, but democratically chosen fools, geniuses, idiots or madmen, as clearly shown in this testament of truth from Prof. Imenda, are protected to finish the term.   Yes Barosteland may suffer in the Civil Service, but we'll be much better than any African Country. Our Lozi civil servants don't steal. Technocrats will be allowed to run the affairs under the watchful eyes of our Litunga. Those who are not ready to run Bulozi are talking for themselves. We will never let our people down. I am ready to run surgical services in Barotseland. I don't want anything to do with Zambia. If I die, I don't want to be taken to be buried in Zambia. I can only accept to be buried in Barotseland if we are free.   I only use si-Zambian Passport because KK stole my country. I don't enjoy it at all. Most fortunately I did a lot of travelling as a student. I don't travel much anymore, as people at borders "force me" to cheat by purporting to be a Zambian. I always write Barotseland, as place of my birth - never Zambia. If i find a fool at the border & these are many I just write my village and my town Mongu. Zambia's constitution is clear—Barotse nationals are not part of the current Republic of Zambia. Many Lozis know in their hearts that they refer to themselves as Zambians falsely.