by Sitwala Imenda

Seventeen dead in the wake of terrorism France is in mourning Seventeen dead in a week from terror What a horror What a terrible aura Aura of terror Seventeen innocent lives Taken away in a flash Seventeen innocent lives Taken away in the blink of an eye Terror everywhere Terror in boardrooms Terror in bedrooms Terror in the streets Terror in restaurants Terror in parliaments Terror in governments Terror in the hearts of citizens Terror in the hearts of visitors Terror in the hearts of adults Terror in the hearts of children Terror everywhere   Today is January 11, 2015 The day of Unity Unity match in France The biggest French match in history More than one million people flow through the streets of France More than four million people across France More across Europe More than forty world leaders in solidarity Christian and Moslem in solidarity Jew and Hindu in solidarity White and Black in solidarity Man and woman in solidarity A sea of people Stretching beyond the eye can see A Unity match To shame terrorism To shame terrorists To shame the devil A Unity match To heal the wounds of terror To heal the soul of the French nation To erase the scars of terrorism To wipe away the tears of the victims To grieve with families of victims To show solidarity with victims Unity matches everywhere What a fitting tribute to victims of terrorism   It is January 11, 2015 A show of unity in France A show of unity in Europe But on this same day terror carries on unabated Hundreds die in North-Eastern Nigeria Victims of terrorism No unity match Many die in Damaturu, Yobe State Victims of terrorism No unity match Many die in Potiskum, Yobe State Victims of terrorism No unity match Many die in Maiduguri, Borno State Victims of terrorism No unity match Many die in Baga, Borno State Victims of terrorism No unity match Mass casualty terrorist attacks 13,000 lives taken away since 2009 Victims of terrorism No unity match Many abducted and killed Victims of terrorism No unity match Unspeakable human rights abuses and violations Victims of terrorism No unity match Terror everywhere in North-Eastern Nigeria No unity match among Nigerians themselves No unity match among ECOWAS member states No unity match among African Union member states   It is January 14, 2011 Seventeen Barotse nationals Butchered by Zambia State security personnel Victims of State terrorism No unity match Many more Barotse nationals abducted and killed Victims of State terrorism No unity match Unspeakable human rights abuses and violations Victims of State terrorism No unity match Terror everywhere in Barotseland No unity match Barotse nationals turned into beggars Victims of State terrorism No unity match Barotse nationals treated like buggers Victims of State terrorism No unity match Barotseland under foreign Zambian military occupation Victim of State terrorism No unity match Barotse nationals kicked around like dogs Victims of State terrorism No unity match Barotse nationals enslaved Victims of State terrorism No unity match Barotseland turned into a refugee camp by Zambia No unity match Barotse nationals gnashing and grinding their teeth daily to survive Victims of State terrorism No unity match by nationals of Zambia Who claim to be in unity with Barotseland? No unity match by nationals of SADC member states No unity match by nationals of African Union member states No unity match The world folds its arms and waits For more State terrorism to befall Barotseland The world folds its arms and waits For more State abductions and killings to befall Barotseland The world folds its arms and waits For more State human rights violations in Barotseland The world folds its arms and waits For more State bloodletting in Barotseland January 11, 2015 France’s day of solidarity against terrorism Will there ever be a day of solidarity with Nigeria against terrorism? Will there ever be a day of solidarity with Barotseland against State terrorism? Where is Barotseland?