by Mukunyandela Mukoyoyisa

  Further to a meeting with the BNFA Chairperson General (CG), Hon. Clement W. Sinyinda, in Mongu, Hon. William Harrington who describes himself as ‘a proud son of the soil of Barotseland’ has written a letter of support and encouragement to BNFA for their efforts to bring about a peaceful, non-violent and legal resolution to matters surrounding the abrogated Barotseland Agreement 1964. Hon. Harrington is a former Cabinet Minister in the MMD government as well as former Senanga Member of Parliament. BNFA Chairperson General, Executive Committee and entire membership received Hon. Harrington’s message with profound gratitude.   Among other things, Hon. Harrington pointed out that:   “The position of BNFA in its quest for a non-violent and peaceful resolution to the issue of Barotseland must be appreciated by the citizenry in general and the Zambian government in particular to avoid any further loss of lives. As you very succinctly put it, the BNFA stands for peace and LAW and NOT for WAR. This is most Commendable.”   The outspoken and vibrant former law maker and Minister concluded his letter by pledging his personal support to the BNFA and Barotseland course:   “I can assure you that I stand ready, willing and able to render moral and other support necessary to assist your organisation achieve its noble objectives in the interest of sustainable peace and harmony in our part of the world. We must continue to demand that the issue of Barotseland be resolved NOW!”   We definitely need everyone to join the Barotseland freedom train!  

Tukuongote Shaa! Wa Mwana Nongolo isi wa Mwana Nalukapwa.