by BNFA Executive Committee

  In the latest turn of events surrounding the Barotseland Petition seized by African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) of the African Union (AU), it has been learnt that the jittery Zambia government (GRZ) has pleaded for more time to respond to the petition, claiming that they have not seen the communication relating to the same. Consequently, at its 17th extra-ordinary session held from 19th to 28th February 2015, the Commission decided to grant the request and the secretariat of the Commission has forwarded the Barotseland complaint and submission on Admissibility to Zambia and requested the Zambia government to submit its response—counter arguments on Admissibility within two months. The Commission has since informed Barotseland of the decision through a letter of communication to the office of the Ngambela dated 5th March 2015, copied to BNFA.   This development should be seen in Barotseland circles as a gimmick by the Zambian government to play hide and seek games in the fervent hope that passage of time shall produce a miraculous escape for the Zambian authorities from an otherwise imminent Armageddon. Nevertheless, BNFA understands well that court processes are full of intrigue and gymnastics which require coolness of mind. Like it was once said by prominent and veteran Lawyer, the late Mundia Sikatana SC that, “The wheels of Justice sometimes seem to turn too slowly, but they are turning all the same and sooner or later will grind to a halt as justice is delivered and seen to be delivered”.   The BNFA leadership is alive to the fact that GRZ will use every trick in the book to derail progress in this case. Their latest move in this matter is a common trick used within the Zambian court system whereby lawyers representing weaker sides of the litigation process feign ignorance of matters which are within their hands in order to secure adjournments of hearings to delay verdicts, hoping that eventual developments may save their clients from due punishment. As a matter of fact, the Attorney General’s Chambers is itself not innocent in this regard and it is no wonder the Zambian Justice system is so congested that even the most straight forward issues take decades to reach judgment, often with the result that the judgment beneficiary does not live to enjoy the fruits of their action.   The BNFA Executive Committee urges the people of Barotseland to remain steadfast in as far as the journey to an independent nation is concerned, as victory is certain. From our side, we see that correct anticipation of GRZ’s manoeuvres coupled with advances on the local political front, such as going ahead with the BTA agenda, will help quicken the pace of progress. We urge our people to remain united, focused, and determined in order to forge ahead in actualizing Barotseland statehood. They should avoid elements that tend to deviate attention from the real struggle.