Kwalombota and Shuwanga told-off by a Barotse nationalist

by Nyambe Sapaya, Barotseland Broadcast Network

Linyungandambo's mission was good but has been lost half way through fighting other freedom fighters using fake accusations. We can’t worship Afumba or Linyungandambo, NEVER! They started well, but poor finishing is awaiting them. Just look at their mouth piece, the Barotse Post, they don’t even report or give others a chance to express their views over Barotseland statehood. Let them come out and stop hiding. Sinyinda’s office is open and what about theirs?

Kanti Saleya Kwalombota kimani (who is Saleya Kwalombota)? Information has it that he is a young man living in comfort in Gaborone, Botswana. He has never shown his face to the Barotse. What has he done to the people of Barotseland or to Barotseland itself? He is a new kid on the block who starts by insulting our integrity. He should know that, we have suffered a lot. We have been arrested, beaten, shot and jailed by the illegal Zambia regime over the issue of Barotseland statehood. I, in particular, lost my family—a nephew and a young brother who died in Zambia jails. Even today, my nephew, Kabayo Kabayo, is still in my heart. It bleeds when I see insults from the likes of Kwalobota. Where was Kwalombota? This man stands and insults us here today. Please stop insulting us.

What does he know about Hon. Clement Sinyinda? Hon. Sinyinda is a man of integrity with a passion for continuing the freedom struggle for Barotseland. Kwalobota and his kind are bitter and jealousy over Sinyinda’s achievements. The so called Royal Barotse government or whatever they call themselves is fake, where are their offices, on the internet or in Windhoek? Let them just know that, we are watching them.

I am disappointed with Shuwanga Shuwanga. Soon after I was introduced to him by a dignified Barotseland national, he is already making outbursts on other Barotse freedom fighters and everyone is wondering if that is indeed how you can achieve independence? Is he in Nakonde or Tanzania from where he keeps on talking ill about Hon. Sinyinda? Jealousy ikamunyokola sha (He will die of jealousy). Please come to your senses.

We want a united family, co-operation ki mata.

About the author:

Mr Nyambe Sapaya is a Barotseland freedom fighter arrested twice by the illegal Zambian regime, first on 23rd October 2010 after telling-off then Zambian president, Rupia Banda, then Police Inspector, Francis Kabonde and then Barotseland (Western Province) Zambia Police Commander, Fanwell Siandenge over the Barotseland Agreement of 1964, he together with other Linyungandambo founders, such as Mr Mukubesa Ilukena, Nawa Luyanga, Pastor Nawa Mutakela started their civic education campaign in Barotseland, which shock the Zambian government. Mr Nyambe was arrested for the second time in Limulunga in January 2011 together with the former Ngambela (Prime Minister) of Barotseland, late Maxwell Mututwa, aged 90years at that time.