As the peoples of Barotseland petition Namuso—Namuso Induna’s respond by insulting the people

by Mukunda and Maoyo

Today, Thursday Lungu (April) 23, 2015 the peoples of Limulunga and Mongu presented their petition before the Ngambela’s Kuta (Court) in Limulunga demanding among others removal of compromised Indunas, removal of Indunas opposed to the implementation of the 2012 BNC Resolutions and proving to the people of Barotseland that the assertion by Nachimwenda that the Litunga has been stripped of his powers are misplaced. Click on [video width="140" height="100" mp4=""][/video]. Further, the people demanded the removal of Nachimwenda and all Zambian heads of government departments and parastatals from Barotseland. The compromised Indunas, led by the Silumbu brothers, responded by insulting the people, calling them fools and pointing out that the people have no power to remove them but the Litunga. The youths were enraged and started hurling unprintable insults in return. The Indunas were saved from being physically ejected out of the Kuta by Zambia police who rushed to the scene. This, yet again, demonstrates Zambian government’s continued intervention in the affairs of Barotseland being protested against.   The petition was in response to Nachimwenda’s letter that present day Namuso Indunas are working hand-in-hand with the occupying Zambian regime to continue suppressing the Kingdom of Barotseland statehood. Whereas the Barotse Kuta System is open to the public, the Indunas refused to allow the people in the Kuta but just four representatives, thereby effectively running away from the people. Clearly, present day Namuso Indunas are not representing the interests of the peoples of Barotseland but their own; and we commend the activists for showing them the door out. Out you GO.