Response to the out bursts of Michael Kaingu in Barotseland

by Muyunda Makala , a true son and citizen of the soil of Barotseland

  Dear Editor, please allow me space to react to the insults hurled on the Barotse people by Zambia's Minister of Education, Hon. Michael Kaingu, during his recent visit to Barotseland. He called the people of Barotseland ungrateful, when even dogs show gratitude to their masters for the scraps of food they receive by wagging their tails.   First, the people of Barotseland are not bootlickers like the Hon Minister. It is a known fact Mr. Kaingu puts his foot in his mouth every time he speaks and we take strong exception to that kind of insults. If Mr. Kaingu is alluding to the appointment of Mrs Wina as Vice President of Zambia, the people of Barotseland have nothing to celebrate about. Being Vice President of Zambia has nothing do with Barotseland. You want us to celebrate simply because another hungry dog has been given scraps in Lusaka?   The Minister should understand that we cannot join him in his celebration as we are living in two different times and different nations. Let him realize that the people of Barotseland cannot celebrate simply because another hungry dog, apart from himself, is feeding on scraps from its master's table in Lusaka.   The people of Barotseland do not need clowns to come and perform their circus acts mwa Bulozi. The peoples of Barotseland are faced by real problems of poverty inflicted by successive illegal Zambian regimes, we are still in mourning as some of people remain missing since January 2011 Zambian massacre of our people and others still in Zambia's prisons for simply pressing the fact that Barotseland is a state that deserved to be respected. Mr. Kaingu should take his scraps and bones back to North Eastern Rhodesia and eat them quietly.   Mr kaingu Sir, the Barotse do not need scraps from Zambia. They do not need anything short of liberating themselves from Zambia’s illegal occupation. What the Barotse are doing is actualizing their statehood. The Barotse are not asking to be given a dog's bone. They have simply taken their Birth-right in their own hands in order to determine their own future and destiny.