23rd April 2015 His Excellency, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia State house Lusaka   Your Excellency, BAROTSELAND STATEHOOD:- BOUNDARIES, TRIBES, REFERENDUM AND GOVERNMENT LAXITY ON FOWARD MOTION. We forward herewith a document stating our position on issues of prime importance regarding movement towards actualising Barotseland Statehood. We do this in the light of Your Excellency’s obvious retreat from your publicly stated undertaking made on the fringes of the last Summit of Heads of State of the African Union in Addis Ababa, to engage the leadership and people of Barotseland on the question of independence. We need to state further that this action is prompted by your Excellency’s exhibit of insincerity in the manner you have handled this matter in the aftermath of taking oath as Head of State. In this respect it should be put on record that on 27th January 2015, three days after assuming Office, you delegated an emissary to approach the undersigned and enquire on the possibility of your government’s holding of discussions with Barotseland nationalists and the Barotse Royal Establishment. An answer to the affirmative was given to your emissary and the following day Your Excellency followed up with a personal telephone call to the undersigned in which you reiterated your desire for engagement and pledged to start the ball rolling upon your return from the African Union Summit. We had taken Your Excellency’s word at its face value and accorded it necessary confidentiality to allow you room for developing the engagement process. We, therefore, were astounded by your statement in Addis Ababa that was couched in a manner meant to throw scorn on the whole issue. We were also surprised by your emissary’s return report to the effect that you had problems engaging Barotseland at the moment because all the people concerned were set on independence; that you would only be comfortable to tackle the issue if there was division in Barotseland with some sections calling for reinstatement of the Barotseland Agreement 1964.   In view of the foregoing, and considering that Your Excellency stated your position publicly in Addis Ababa, we feel it is only fair that our views on the points you raised are communicated to you publicly. To this end this communication shall be availed to the general public. We also take the liberty to mail it to relevant authorities at continental and regional levels who are currently seized with this matter. We trust that the foregoing is in order and wish Your Excellency the very best as you steer the ship of the Republic of Zambia, whose legitimacy as a unitary state has long been compromised as a result of the Zambian government’s breach of the Barotseland Agreement 1964. Yours Sincerely, Signed Wainyae C. Sinyinda Chairman-General. CC: The Chairperson African Union Commission Addis Ababa Ethiopia   The Secretary African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights Banjul The Gambia   The Chairperson Organ for Politics, Defence and Security Southern Africa Development Community Pretoria Republic of South Africa   The Executive Secretary SADC Secretariat Gaborone Republic of Botswana   The Ngambela Mongu-Lealui Barotseland.