Barotseland-A poem from Makena


by Imatwa Makena

  Sandy, again sand, yet fertile Happy Kalahari sand of the Barotse Best among all nations Motherland, endowed with plentifulness Lyondo lya ńuwa, the Barotse plain Periodically you under-go self-cleansing Through mass of water, from the pregnant Lyambai river Which goes far and wide, and Provides a boundless waterway For the picturesque Kuomboka ceremony A transhumance process of centuries Home to sumptuous “Mongu” rice A reservoir to rare species of testy fish, Splendid green, green grass of the motherland So transformed, by pouring tears of Ńundupula, which Avails vast meadows, on which Nakamwele ye Kunońu grazes with pride Under the watchful eyes of Imutongo Isibelengende Braving the blistering Kalahari heat of October Which will consequently be quenched By Mbulangambwa shańata wilokela, yet cometh Nambwa mutalati, to pass the final verdict, In my motherland, that’s nature’s way Of preventing things all from happening at once O’ Barotseland, above you there is God Below you there is oil, gas, and diamond Upa, avails you with timber, cashew and maizebelt Wiko, is home to the Liuwa National Park Mutulo, provides the world with the biggest tiger fish Mboela, gives us Sioma and Musi-o-tunya falls, cattle and massive forests of timber Yet they say you are poor, yes poor by deceit O’ motherland, I yearn for no other nation FASI LALUNA, FASI LA BULOZI