by Sitwala Namwinji Imenda

  As Chairperson of the Diaspora Executive Committee of the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA), I am writing to support the dissolution of the Kuta at Namuso, and the dismissal of all the indunas – save for the Natamoyo, as reported in the media. Certainly, Mr. Edson Nachimwenda’s report of 17th November, 2014 to his paymaster, Mr. Augustine Seyuba who represents the Zambian regime, cannot be taken lightly. It casts a very dark shadow on the Kuta, as a whole – and the allegations put to them signify both treacherous and treasonous actions against the people of Barotseland, seen from the point of view of Barotseland’s sovereignty. It is common cause that, legally, Barotseland has been an independent and sovereign state from the date of the abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement 1964, in 1969. Thus, anyone who works to undermine this sovereignty is nothing less than a traitor – and worse still if such a person is a public representative and holds a position of trust.   Mr Nachimwenda was given an assignment to undermine Barotseland’s statehood. By carrying out treacherous activities against the wishes and aspirations of the people of Barotseland he is, therefore, by his own admission, guilty and he must be banished from the people’s midst. But he was not working alone. Those who sent him to commit these treacherous acts must also be seen in the same light. By submitting his report to Mr. Augustine Seyuba, it follows that he was the mastermind of this treacherous and treasonous scheme – he, too, must go – he is gone and more of his kind must also go. In this regard, the Sicaba Petition was not only the right action to take, but also valid and justified. The people of Barotseland have not only the right to call for the dissolution of their Kuta but also to effectively have the treasonous Indunas removed from this public office. Certainly there is no room for erring and treasonous public representatives at this critical time of our struggle for the actualisation of our freedom. These are public offices, and there cannot be any other appointing authority apart from the people themselves. We live in modern times, and one cannot cling to a public office against the wishes and aspirations of the people. So, instead of insulting the people, the Indunas who belonged to the old Kuta must simply accept the fact that they have failed the people and their time is up – simply because the people have said so. Even if they may have been appointed by the Litunga, this was done so that they would represent the wishes and aspirations of the people. The Litunga is a Litunga by the people. Such Indunas cannot hide behind the support of the Litunga. By not championing the wishes and aspirations of the people, they have also undermined the trust and confidence of the Litunga. The Litunga’s wishes and aspirations cannot be separated from those of the people, that is why he is the people’s rallying point. The Indunas have failed the public test, they have lost the respect and trust of the people whom they were meant to serve and represent. There is only one way out – the door out; their time is up. The power and authority that they wielded was the power and authority given to them by the people – it was not inborn personal power and authority. This is the time to show that the people of Barotseland cannot be divided by personal greed and self-aggrandisement. Let the Indunas not say there is a stalemate, after they breached and betrayed the trust of the people. There is no stalemate. The people have spoken. The use of vile language will not save them, it will only aggravate the situation. If they are waiting for the Litunga to dismiss them, then we have to ask the Natamoyo to publicly stand with the people and inform them without further delay. These are not normal times, decisions have to be taken swiftly and decisively.   Ki nako! Ko kulila mukombwe ki kona kwa hae! Mukomber u tunguzi, mi lwa ziba ko luya!!