Fallen Heroes—A poem from Makena


by Imatwa Makena

  They were there that day in Mulungushi hall Defying the wrath of the dreaded Chiluba regime, true When the first trumpet was blown Ngenda Sipalo, Makokwa Mwala, Njekwa Amusaa, Stanley Liwaniso Bravely surged forth above all, to be counted They lived amongst us, spread the Barotse cause, home and away They stood squarely in the name of Barotseland, and Bravely, Sang the song of their Fatherland When the clarion call was sounded Nosiku Kawanambulu, Richard Ngenda, Kabika Sibeta, Mwangelwa Mbikusita Fiercely rose to the occasion, unabated In their pursuit for liberty and social justice Age consideration was of no consequence, As they were driven by the cause The cause of the search for the lost fruits of yester year’s conquest The trails of the all-conquering Lewanika, Mataa, Silumbu, Numwa Minyolui’s Pizo was enough to inflate their rungs, Induna Mukulwakashiko Lubinda Sikutangwa, Induna Angulu Singumbe Kashengula, Induna Libumbu Sibeta Heroes of our epoch They audaciously stood tall and resilient Their names shall forever live and never perish As the cause they lived and died for gave birth To generation of gallant freedom fighters, They were here with us, Lindwalume, here forever Mioya yenu iyoyange winowino.