Press Release

30th May, 2015

The Barotse Royal Establishment has reacted sharply by dismissing the report in your esteemed newspaper dated 29th May 2015 entitled “we don’t want to be under Lozi domination” by the so-called chairman of the Nkoya royal council, Edwin Tamboka as utter rubbish and day dreaming. Tamboka is reported to have said that Barotseland has two nations and that the Nkoya speaking people are pressuring the government of Zambia to create a province by dividing Barotseland into two. He also said that the Nkoyas were opposed to the Barotseland Agreement 1964 which was abrogated by President Kaunda’s despotic and spiteful government. We want to state in very clear language without the lightest trace of ambiguity that we are not surprised at the high level of ignorance and conspicuous lack of basic knowledge by this chairman of the Lusaka based so-called illegal Nkoya royal council. Firstly, Itezhi Tezhi is not a district in Barotseland. They are free to go there just as Kabulwebulwe elected to be resettled in Mumbwa district during the 1950s when the Kafue National Park was created from the Barotse territory west of Kafue River. Secondly, the Nkoya are not a special breed of people. They have never been a marginalized people in Barotseland despite the fact that they are a minority tribe. They constitute a paltry 4.7% of the population of Barotseland and 14% of the population of Kaoma, Luampa and Nkeyema districts (see 2010 Republic of Zambia, Census of Population Statistics). They enjoy all the freedom given to them by King Mwananyanda Liwale who welcomed them into Barotseland in 1790 in flight from the Humbu war that ejected them for insubordination. King Mulambwa resettled them in the area they are today then called Upa Ngoma. In 1895 King Lewanika sent a battalion called “likolo la Kabeti” to rescue them from the Kaonde after the battle of the “Katumbwe kamusongolwa”. The Kaonde had enslaved them for sale to the Arab slave traders and the Nyamwezi, a predatory tribe from East Africa. Thirdly, before Kaunda’s UNIP government, which committed treason by abrogating the Barotseland Agreement 1964, dissolved the Barotse Government in 1965 the Nkoyas were represented in the Government of Barotseland. Their last representatives who participated in the negotiations and formulation of the Barotseland Agreement, in Livingstone, April 1964, which they are disowning through ignorance were:- Mwanashihemis Ngwelela and Muleka for Mutondo and Kahare respectively. Others were Messrs Kankolomwena, Kashiwa Mutaima, Misheck Mutti, Kenneth Kalyangu, Jervas Kapatiso, Simon Liyoka and Induna Mbongwana (the respected and dignified Mr.Limata who later became Imangambwa). Simon Liyoka was appointed a member of Sir Mwanawina’s inner cabinet and held the portfolio of Minister of Public Works. Messrs Mutaima and Kalyangu are still alive to testify. We therefore wonder what marginalization they are complaining about. Who has marginalized them is it the Zambian government or the Barotse Royal Establishment? If the government of Mr. Lungu employs Bembas in all the district councils in Kaoma, Luampa, Nkeyema, Lukulu, Nalolo, Kalabo Sikongo and Mitete do you blame that on the BRE which has no hand in the employment of council staff for instance? Is this the marginalization Tamboka is ranting about? If the recent refugees who have dubiously acquired Zambian citizenship elect their kind to council and parliamentary positions is that blamed on the BRE or the right of the people to choice? If the Nkoyas shun attending meetings called to discuss matters that affect the wellbeing of the people of Barotseland including themselves does that constitute marginalization? Mwenes Mutondo and Kahare are members of the Barotse Privy Council which they attend as and when convened by HM the Litunga, have they ever been marginalized? The Nkoyas are not a special people they are just one of the over 30 tribes comprised in the nation of Barotseland.   Fourthly, the Barotseland Agreement 1964 is an international treaty between the governments of Northern Rhodesia and Barotseland to found Zambia, which replaced the treaties that subsisted between Her Majesty’s government of Great Britain and the Litunga of Barotseland. Without this Agreement there is no Zambia. Does Tamboka understand that? The issue is being tackled using learned and civilised legal recourse to resolve it. It brings into play contract law, constitutional law, international law and laws related to self-determination and human rights enshrined in the Charter of the African Union and the United Nations Charter. For this reason the matter is now before the African Commission for Human and Peoples Rights in Banjul. If the Nkoyas have any problems why do they not join the government of Zambia to rebut the 300+ pages of evidence and arguments submitted by the BRE to the ACHPR over a year ago which to the best of our knowledge the Zambian government has failed to offer credible counter evidence. If the Nkoyas and Tamboka in particular are not aware, let them know that the Commission on seizing the Barotse complaint established prima facie evidence that the Government of Zambia has violated the rights guaranteed in the African Charter which include the Nkoya rights as well. Therefore Tamboka must stop howling like an abandoned dog unable to swim across the Kafue River. Fifthly, admittedly the Nkoyas are among the earliest refugees to settle in Barotseland before the arrival of the Mbunda speaking people. As refugees they are free to relocate elsewhere away from Barotseland if they feel uncomfortable to live side by side with the people who sympathized with their plight and gave them sanctuary. They have exhibited a spirit of ungratefulness similar to that of the Camel and the Arab. The Nkoyas did not enter Barotseland through fighting, there is no evidence that they ever conquered land, people or cattle from anybody, but were themselves enslaved by the Kaondes. Had it not been for the rescue operation by King Lewanika there would be no Nkoya today, for they would have been among those black Arabs found in the middle-east. The Barotse Royal Establishment has for a long time tolerated unbecoming behaviour from these people. We are alive to the fact that they are encouraged by government officials both from past and present administrations to fan problems in order for us to react. It is also a known fact that some top government officials had promised them a province for political expediency. We would like to warn them and caution the government of Zambia to stop toying with their idea of dissecting Barotseland because doing so will attract the worst pogrom ever experienced on the continent of Africa. We do not wish to repeat the human catastrophe that befell the Makololo in 1865 which resulted in their obliteration from the surface of the earth save for their language. We shall never allow or tolerate refugees to have their Kafue province by dividing Barotseland just to satisfy the ranting from the so-called illegal Nkoya royal council. No part of Barotseland shall be ceded for the Nkoyas because it is untenable and they have no entitlement whatsoever. The claim for Nkoyaland in Barotseland is ludicrous and preposterous, it is nonexistent and mythological. The people of Barotseland are peace loving and that is why they welcomed Nkoya refugees to live among them and accorded them chiefly status in some cases and allowed them to practice their traditions and customs without interference; however if they are pushed too far time will tell for their reaction will be lethal. Our silence should not be misconstrued for cowardice. Finally we repeat our position that they are free to relocate elsewhere away from Barotseland to exercise their intransigence, for we shall neither regret their exodus from Barotseland nor miss them. Bottom of Form The march towards Barotseland’s extrication from the Zambian stranglehold and servitude is unstoppable and advanced; soon the realization of the Barotse independent nation will be a reality.
