The embattled Litunga withdraws from the Banjul petition—As Lungu plans to announce his deceitful intention to restore the BA’64

The embattled Litunga withdraws from the Banjul petition—As Lungu plans to announce his intention to restore the BA’64

by BNFA Publicity Wing

The embattled Litunga and his Indunas acting in their individual capacities, have withdrawn from The Ngambela and Others v. Government of Zambia petition which is before the African Commission of Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR). This action was taken without informing nor seeking the mandate of the people of Barotseland. They have concealed this act of betrayal from the people—a clear clear act of collaborating with the government of Zambia in oppressing and suppressing the people of Barotseland. This has left the Barotse with no other alternative but continue their petition through BNFA. The BNFA on its part is steadfast in undertaking this task. The decision to seek the intervention of ACHPR is mandated by the Barotse as dictated by the March 27, 2012 Barotse Nation Council Resolutions. Clearly, the embattled renegades have not only turned against the express will of the people but have also turned themselves into agents of the oppressive Zambian regime to continue violating the human rights of the peoples of Barotseland. We call on the Barotse to rally behind their March 27, 2012 BNC Resolutions and to eject the renegades—for they no longer represent the people’s interests and aspirations. Further, the oppressive Zambian regime should be shown the door out of Barotseland. In this regard the people are further called on to participate in a civil disobedience campaign. In the meantime, the President of Zambia Mr Lungu continues the usual deception of successive Zambian regimes by planning to announce his intention to restore the now dead and buried Barotseland Agreement 1964 on October 25, 2015. He also wants to deploy this as a tool for his political campaign in Barotseland and in a similar manner, deceive the international community. We clearly inform Mr Lungu to keep away from Barotseland for he has no locus standi in the matter. Barotseland and North East Rhodesia are separate countries and shall remain so for ever. He can continue deceiving himself with the embattled BRE renegades.