BIs storm Kaoma flying the UNPO flag

by Mukunyandela wa Nyandi Mukuyoyisa

  A team of Barotse Imilemas (BIs) escorting the BI6, a group of six (6) BIs who have been arrested and slapped with an assortment of charges under the Zambian laws for offences related to the Barotseland Agreement 1964 (BA ’64) stormed Kaoma town flying the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) flag in the early hours of this morning, October 23, 2015. The BI6 were supposed to appear in the Kaoma Magistrate court for mention. As usual, the Zambian justice system was not ready for the BIs and went into panic mode as the BIs stormed the Magistrate’s court premises clad in the red Berets. Neither the prosecution team nor the case Magistrate were anywhere near the court premises. Worse still, the Kaoma Magistrate court officials were not given any instructions as to what to do with the BI6. The court officials had no choice but to disperse them since it was clear that the case would not come up.   The team drove away from the court thronged by some Kaoma based sympathisers and made a stop at ROLUMA, near the roundabout, where they had some refreshments, sang and danced Barotse freedom songs. Among the many sympathisers was veteran Barotse Poet Mutompehi Mutumweno Walubita who could not withhold his tears as the BIs did there thing in style. Speaking later, Mt. Mutumweno said, “while the youths were in jubilation, I could not but see the great UHURU day in the horizon in my prophetic eyes and the tears of joy rolled down from my eyes”.   While Flying the UNPO Flag, the BIs walked through Kaoma town singing and chanting Barotseland freedom songs and messages. The team had a brief stopover at Naliele Royal Village where they paid a courtesy call on His Royal Highness Mulena Amukena II. Thereafter, they proceeded to Mongu where a thunderous and Hero’s welcome awaits them.   Meanwhile the BIs Chairperson, Mt. Sinonge Lutangu, expressed gratification at the grand opportunity to fly the UNPO flag even before it is officially unveiled by the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) to the rest of the People of Barotseland. He remarked, “For us the UNPO Flag is, among other things, a clear symbol that Barotseland’s match to freedom is unstoppable. So as BIs, we are gratified to be the first ones to fly the flag, even before it is officially unveiled by our leaders and parents in the BNFA”.