Press statement on public rally slated for Friday 2nd October 2015 at the blue gums ground in Mongu deferred—as the occupying Zambia regime continue denying the Barotse their right to assemble


by BNFA Executive Committee

  The Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) wishes to announce to the Barotse patriots and other stakeholders that the public rally dully scheduled for today Friday 2nd October 2015 has been deferred to a later date, soon to be communicated. A brief background to the circumstances leading to the decision by the BNFA Executive to defer the long awaited and much anticipated public rally is as follows:         Putting the above issues into consideration and the fact that the police command was widely reported on some local radio stations claiming that the planned public rally was illegal and appealing to people to stay away from the same; the BNFA Executive has decided to defer the rally to a date to be announced soon after taking measures to protect its members from further police harassment. BNFA is aware that it has the option to defy the police and go ahead with the planned meeting because the people have the moral strength to do just that since it is there HUMAN RIGHT and nowhere in the whole world do the police have the mandate to ration people’s RIGHTS, nowhere, not even in the failed unitary state of Zambia. However, it is felt that such a move at this juncture would deprive the planned public rally of the National and noble character it is intended to have.   Clearly it can be seen that this is a pure case of the Zambian police breaching the constitutional right of freedom of assembly and thus a strategy of police inciting violence so as to find an excuse to incarcerate unsuspecting, peaceful and innocent people for violent behaviour. We do know that this is disheartening to a lot of our people some of whom have already travelled hundreds of miles from far and wide to attend this historic public rally. We can only encourage all to hold on but not for long because the actualization of our aspiration is much nearer now than ever before. This long walk to freedom which has not been easy is about to be accomplished. It is a MUST that we will have the long awaited public rally in the Blue gum grounds very soon. The only way this cannot be is if someone can convince us that we are not human beings because Freedom of Assembly is a HUMAN RIGHT. We will demonstrate that we are human beings by holding this public rally and we will roll this out to all parts of this beautiful Kingdom. TUKUONGOTE FEELA, WA MWANA NONGOLO KAPA WA MWANA MUKA IF NEED BE. ISIÑI WA MWANA NALUKAPWA.