Stop provoking the People of Barotseland—BNFA warns Zambia Police  

by BNFA Executive Committee

  The Barotse National Freedom Alliance has learnt with utter dismay and disgust that the Zambia Police (ZP) is at it again, arresting innocent Barotse Youth of the Barotse Imilemas (BIs) at Mabumbu on their way to Limulunga Royal Village. This happened on Thursday October 29, 2015. The youths were on fundraising mission in order to raise money for a court appearance in Kaoma. The fundraising would allow the group of six BIs, currently on bail, to travel to Kaoma for the said court appearance on November 3, 2015. It has been learnt that the police got instruction from the Kuta in Limulunga to block the peaceful Youths and arrest them.   We warn the ZP to desist from provoking our People because this behaviour cannot be tolerated forever. The situation in Barotseland is currently very volatile and such acts of provocation and unlawful arrests are utterly irresponsible. They have potential to ignite a wild fire whose consequences are ‘too ghastly to contemplate’. We call upon the powers that be in Zambia to exercise restraint and good judgement so as to act in a more civilized manner. Barotseland is not at war with Zambia, even though the Zambian regime has declared war on the peaceful Barotseland People a long time ago. The people of Barotseland are simply demanding what is rightfully their RIGHT. Each and every Police officer and Zambian agents operating in Barotseland shall answer for their actions and omissions. The Zambian regime is administering Barotseland illegally and All Zambian operatives are illegally in Barotseland.