BAROTSELAND--A poem from Jaypoetry

by Jaypoetry

Betrayed by your own blood,

selfish men who sort for their own pride,

never cared what was right,

beaten for doing what's right,

tortured for being just,

taken to and from courts,

my heart is hurt by my thoughts,


why cry,

never tire to try,

thou art strong,

thy journey ain’t long,

soon from our eyes gone shall be all wrongs...



they fight you in the night,

yet you'l overcome by daylight,

they shed thy blood and not thy love,

yes you'l soon live glad coz by you is GOD above,

remain peaceful as a dove,

night is for fears and tears,

but light is for cheers and smiles,

you are stronger than Iron,

wiser than a lion,

you fear no dragon,

coz you are not alone,

GOD sees your tears,

knows your fears,

your cries HE hears,

your pain HE feels,

HE will never leave thee,

HE'l sail with you in every sea,

victory soon you'll see,

pain soon will cease,

hurts will pass away,

oh yeah dawn be that day,



thou art GOD's and HE understands,

By your side HE always shall stand,

all day shall HE abide,

till you get the swelling tide,

you are blessed in all,



love you to the borne,