Three Iscariots to give fake report to Zambia President


by Mponyana Mutakatala

  We have solid intelligence report suggesting that the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) trio of Induna Kalonga (Lubasi Nalishua), Induna Katema (Mowa Zambwe) and Induna Isineke Namuyamba (Dominic Lisulo), now well known as the three Iscariots, are to travel to Lusaka immediately to give a fake report to Zambia President Edgar Chagwa Lungu indicating that the people of Barotseland are unanimous on the need to have talks aimed at the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 thereby discarding the BNC Resolutions of 27th March 2012.   The mission to State House is intended to provide justification for the huge expenditure incurred during the ill-fated tour of duty, which took the three Iscariots to all parts of Barotseland on a mission to try and turn the hearts of the Regional Kutas against the BNC Resolutions of 27th March 2012. Of course the truth on the ground is that the proposal by the three Iscariots has been met with an all-round fierce opposition and total rejection by the Regional Kutas.   It has become common knowledge that BRE (or to be more accurate, the embattled Litunga and the three Iscariots) have been handsomely funded to the tune of K300,000.00, a 4x4 vehicle and its driver with which to try and turn Barotseland away from the path towards self determination to continued servitude under the Zambian overlords. Other than these three Iscariots, the rest of the Saa-Sikalo Kuta is in total darkness over the clandestine activities. The Regional Kutas have told them, in no uncertain terms, that they are resolutely behind their BNC Resolutions of 27th March 2012. It is expected that the oppressive Zambian regime will believe these lies, as deception is the basis of their existence and way of life, contrary to the evidence on the ground.