Visit to Namuso Kuta by Hon. WC Sinyinda and Three Others

Press statement by BNFA Secretary General, Mungandi wa Muwina Mungandi

  The Executive Committee (Excom) of the Barotse National freedom Alliance (BNFA) has taken note of online news media reports concerning the visit to Namuso Kuta by four people of whom one was Honourable Clement Wainyae Sinyinda, the Chairman General of the BNFA. The Excom further takes note that the other three people in whose company Hon. Sinyinda was are not members of Excom and wishes to inform the public that the said visit to the Kuta was neither pre-planned nor envisaged by BNFA. However, in accordance with standard norms of procedure relating to management of public institutions and mass organizations, the Excom is currently conducting an internal inquiry to establish the background to the said visit as well as what transpired at the Kuta. Accordingly, a follow-up statement will be issued after the said inquiry.   With regard to the smear campaign that has ensured on the online media against the BNFA and its leadership, I wish to categorically state that the organisation is intact, resolute and as committed as ever to the cause. We have never at anytime considered abandoning the Banjul process. There is no such letter as one of the articles in question suggests. The BNFA considers the Barotseland Agreement 1964 (BA’64) as a dead document, which cannot and will never be resuscitated. Therefore, the issue of restoration of the BA’1964 is a non issue as it was dealt a death blow by the Barotse National Council (BNC) Resolutions of March 2012.   Some key members of the BNFA have been in this struggle consistently for over 20 years, they were key architects and participants in the BNC, and they were key participants of the BNC Resolutions committee that drafted the famous BNC Resolutions. There is simply no way that they can today be accused of abandoning the process and the cause. I wish to advise our colleagues that missiles directed at BNFA are purely misguided and wasted arsenal and effort aimed at the wrong target. Such efforts only end up aiding the common enemy more. They will do better to direct their efforts at the common enemy.