The BNFA finally receives the ACHPR decision

document on admissibility

by Mungandi wa Muwina-Mungandi, BNFA Secretary General

  The long awaited Decision Document on admissibility on “Communication 429/12—The Ngambela of Barotseland and Others v The Republic of Zambia” by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights has today, 31st March 2016, been delivered to the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) by courier service. The covering letter is addressed to Hon. Clement Wainyae Sinyinda, Chairperson General of the BNFA. The BNFA Executive Committee is studying the contents of the 19 page document and consulting its legal experts. Thereafter, appropriate action shall be taken.   For the moment, suffice to say that this puts to rest the raging malicious online debate accusing the BNFA of having the document and hiding its contents. Further, it puts to shame those loud mouths who proclaimed from rooftops false claims that indeed the BNFA had the Decision Document all along and was being economical with the truth by not releasing it to the public.