The BNFA writes an open letter to the Saa-Siikalo Kuta and calls for convening of a Pizo while standing ready to move forward without them


by Mungandi Wa Muwina-Mungandi, BNFA Secretary General

The Barotse National Freedom Alliance through its Chairman General, Mutompehi Clement Wainyae Sinyinda has written an open letter (html version) to the Saa-Sikalo Kuta on the state of the Barotseland Nation Vis-à-Vis the BNC Resolutions of March 2012. The letter dated 5th Apri, 2016 was delivered to the Kuta in Limulunga the morning of Wednesday, 6th April 2016.   “On behalf of the BNFA, and indeed on my own behalf, I wish to put it on record that we are religiously committed to actualizing the aspiration of the people of Barotseland to regain their right to statehood and, thus, recover their human dignity.”   Stated the letter (html version) in part.   “Thus, against the fore-going, the BNFA calls upon you, to convene a Pizo (an all-inclusive meeting of the people at the scale, more or less of the March 2012 BNC) to review progress of the implementation of the BNC Resolutions of March 2012 and chart a way forward, .....”   Concluded Mutompehi Sinyinda in his 2 paged letter (html version), stating that he looked forward to a positive consideration of the issues raised and indeed positive action towards the same.