Now Embattled BRE claims to be Namuso when they are an offshoot and stooges of GRZ


by Sipopa

The embattled Litunga, Edwin Lubosi Imwiko, and his hand-picked stooges (BRE Indunas), now masquerading as Namuso, should stop claiming to represent the people of Barotseland. There are doing so in order to block Barotseland’s match to actualization of its statehood and thereby risking being submerged under the Zambezi River. Following continued acts of self-importance coupled with ignorance at best and deception at worst, the besieged Litunga and the Zambia President Lungu have come under the scrutiny of the vigilant Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) and other activists. In a turn of events, the trivialized Barotse Royal Establish (BRE)—an offshoot and stooges of the Zambian regime—now claim to be Namuso. Any well-meaning Barotse knows that Namuso means Barotse Government. It was no surprise to hear the embattled BRE call itself Namuso on a Community Radio called Liseli on Sunday May 8, 2016 in Mungu. The plagued BRE further claimed that:
  1. they represented the people of Barotseland;
  2. they were educating the people of Barotseland on Barotseland governance system;
  3. Lungu has shown interest in resolving the Barotseland statehood impasse;
  4. they had agreed with Lungu that only the embattled Litunga and his hand-picked stooges are authorized to discuss the Barotseland issue;
  5. the feeble BRE has put in place a negotiating team, which they are afraid to announce for the time being;
  6. they have been going around receiving views from the Barotse, which have been successful and a group of youths has been sent round to solicit for such views;
  7. any one with additional views should bring them to the insipid BRE; and
  8. all are welcome to receive updates at the Sikalo Kuta on this deception.
As proof of their continued deception, ignorance and appetite for small change, I challenge them to come back to the Community Radio Liseli or Lyambai and do the following:
  1. each one should tell the people of Barotseland which people and area they represent and how they were elected or appointed to represent them;
  2. tell the people what Namuso means in English and when the last Legislative Council (Katengo) Elections were held in Barotseland. In this regard, I further challenge them to state that they have officially reconstituted themselves to “Government of Barotseland” before the Zambian and international mass media;
  3. explain why Lungu is curtailing the freedom of expression and assembly of the people of Barotseland when heand his agents are going round propagating restoration of the defunct Barotseland Agreement 1964 for his political expedience against the wish of people of Barotseland. He recently signed a new municipal constitution of Zambia which does not recognize the autonomy of Barotseland and neither is he taking administrative and political steps to allow Barotseland take charge of its affairs in the interim. In addition, why he failed to sign the Permanent Arbitration Court (PCA) process to allow the Barotse impasse to be determined by impartial international arbitrators;
  4. why they are still going round soliciting views from Regional Kutas when the peoples of Barotseland have already declared the way forward through the Barotse National Council Resolutions of 27th March 2012, which is the only legitimate authority still representing the views and wishes of the people of Barotseland;
  5. explain to the people of Barotseland who mandated them to put together a negotiating team and what the terms of reference of the negotiating team are;
  6. who mandated them to gather views on restoration of the defunct Barotseland Agreement 1964 when the BNC of March 27, 2012 has already decided on self-determination and self-rule, that is to say independence;
  7. why they call on occupying Zambia police to arrest people who come to the Kuta and why they chase people who dare attend the Kuta sessions; and
  8. why they have not released information on their withdrawal from the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights petition on “the Ngambela of Barotseland and Others v. Republic of Zambia”.
Finally I challenge them to go on a live phone-in radio program so that they can get the real views of the Barotse on this issue.