by Political Analyst

  The Lubosi conundrum is solved. Lubosi has been rejected together with the failed unitary state of Zambia.   If Litunga Edwin Imwiko Lubosi had his way, he would have dismantled all the traditional, cultural and historical heritage of the Barotseland people. Lubosi has done about everything to tear apart the Barotse vintage systematic way of life.   Fortunately, the Barotse society, its cultures, traditions and customs are too intricate, too elaborate for any one individual to destroy. Lubosi Imwiko is not the first person to try to dissect the Barotse people. The Kololo tried and failed, Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Sata, Banda, and Lubosi’s surrogate twin Lungu all tried but failed.   Lubosi has been reportedly heard boasting that he wanted to avenge the purported killing of his father by inflicting as much pain and damage on the Barotse. When in actual fact his father died from a heart attack. His greatest ambition and gratification is total annihilation of Barotse nation and its institutions.   When Lubosi was put onto the throne in 2000, there was hype about his academic accomplishments and wealth. Indeed most thought that he would develop and radicalize the floundering tradition. But those who knew him were skeptical.   Now sixteen years later, we all know the onslaught he has inflicted on our revered culture and tradition and people. The cynics were right. Lubosi is a clown. His wealth is his major undoing and ruin.   Lubosi has a warm and charming countenance. He is handsome. But as Lumi, a Barotse songbird aptly put it in her song, Lubosi kwa bunde, kambe ni pilu i cwalo. His heart, if we could analyse it, patrays his true character.   Yes, the Lozi adage, mutu ki pilu, appropriately describes Lubosi.   The greatest mistake the Lozi aristocracy ever made was to allow Lubosi run his businesses and continue to be Litunga. The two do not just match. Litungaship is a serious fulltime undertaking. All the humanly needs of the Litunga are taken care of for him. So there is no need, for any Litunga, to engage in any other activity, economic or otherwise.   Lubosi should have been directed to give all his wealth to his children when he became Litunga. Only then would he have taken his round-the-clock responsibility as Litunga seriously.   Remember that in all his years as Litunga, he has never lived in Lyalui (now corruptly written as Lealui), the seat of Barotse government and permanent residence of the Litunga. Who should we blame for this abomination and taboo?   He has deliberately made the Lozi governance structures dysfunctional by not allowing appointment of Heads of the Kutas in all the Mileneņi: no Sambi, Muleta, Lyashimba, Imangambwa, Yutanga, and Mutundwalo at Nalolo, Libonda, Mwandi, Naliyele, Namayula and Kaunga, respectively.   And, except for a very brief period, no substantive Ngambela at Lyalui. He has been left to act according to his whims and fancies. Indeed, who is to blame for the crippled governance of Bulozi?   Lubosi gratifies his ego by running the affairs of our Kingdom without either a Natamoyo or an Ingangwana. All key positions remain vacant. We in actual fact do not have Indunas at Namuso but Likombwa, individuals he personally appointed as opposed to Indunas who are chosen or elected by the people. Actually, he is purported to have sacked Akashambatwa and Imbwae, chief overseers of the Litungaship, when he does have powers to do so. These are foolhardy acts which should never have been tolerated. Lubosi has been left scot-free. Who do you want to blame?   Because of business interests and other lowly preoccupations, he sneaks in and out of the Kingdom incognito at awkward hours. Mind you, the Litunga is public property. Every Barotse is responsible for him.   A public ceremony is supposed to be held every time the Litunga leaves or comes back to the Palace. But Lubosi has not respected this tradition. Indeed he acts as though he is a commoner. Yet, these serious transgressions against our tradition have been accepted. Who should correct it?   We all know that the illegal Zambian government allocates huge sums of money in honour of the Barotseland Treaty Obligations and African Parks also disburses money to the Barotse Royal Establishment but Lubosi chews all this money but does not satisfy his insatiable appetite. He has now taken the Sioma Hydro Electricity project as a personal venture. Who do you blame for this?   To cap it all, Lubosi went full throttle campaigning for Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the Patriotic Front in the recently held oppressive Zambian regime presidential and general elections. We all saw Lubosi proudly and gleefully cast a vote for Lungu and PF.   As if prearranged and in mutual unison the entire Barotseland roundly rejected Lungu, his PF and Edwin Imwiko Lubosi. PF has not won a single parliamentary seat in Barotseland.   This election was a referendum and protest vote against Lungu and his PF as well as Lubosi. Has Lubosi any moral right to remain Litunga of Barotseland anymore?   By the way, did you know (hear) that Lubosi Imwiko caused the divorce of his nephew whose wife had supported and voted for UPND in the just ended Zambian elections? UPND should not in any way take comfort in this protest vote.   Lubosi choose to go to bed with Lungu and his PF while turning his back on the Barotse National Council Resolutions of March 27, 2012.