The BNFA responds to the embattled BRE’s claims of representing the people of Barotseland   by the BNFA Publicity Wing   We, the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) and the people of Barotseland who we represent, wish to disassociate ourselves to the claim by the embattled Barotse Royal Establish (BRE) that they represent the people of Barotseland as reflected in their congratulatory message to Zambian President elect Edgar Changwa Lungu for having won the heavily disputed election. It is a well-known fact BRE is the creation of the oppressive regime of Zambia, meant to subdue the Barotse governance system. It is not a recognized institution in the governance system of Barotseland. BRE is comprised of self-appointed and self-serving individuals who neither represents nor serves the interests of the Barotse. BRE should for once stop their shameless lies of claiming to represent the people when they have in actual fact turned against their own peoples when they turned their back against the Barotse National Council Resolutions of March 27, 2012.   It is for this reason that the Edwin and his henchmen have turned themselves into agents of the oppressive Zambian regime. They cannot to be entrusted with the governance of Barotseland. It is unheard off for a sitting Litunga to be actively involved in Zambian politics, let alone campaigning and voting for a Zambian President. Edwin has broken all known Barotse taboos and customs. Edwin has made himself irrelevant to the governance and actualization of Barotseland statehood. It is for this reason that the people of Barotseland rejected him and his BRE. Therefore, they cannot claim to speak for the people of Barotseland. It is too late for them for BRE is nothing but a tool of the oppressive Zambian regime.   We appeal to all the Barotseland nationals to stand united and support the BNFA. Let us join hands and support BNFA’s efforts of actualizing Barotseland statehood.