The people of Barotseland rally behind their BNC and BNFA   by Malumbamo Mutune   I appeal to all the people of Barotseland to rally behind their Barotse National Council Resolutions of March 27, 2012 and the Barotse National Freedom Alliance. We should remain focused and united for Barotseland independence is certain. The outcome of the recent Zambian elections should not in any way destruct our resolve.   We all witnessed the shame Zambian elections and how the Zambian courts have be politized—defiling both the court process and their municipal constitution. This is a clear testimony that the Zambian courts will never respect the Barotseland Agreement 1964 (BA’64) and the minority human rights enshrined therein. The BA’64 is both a legal and political issue. It is not a traditional issue as many of our detractors would like to portray it.   The embattled Litunga Edwin Lubosi Imwiko for all intents and purposes has turned himself into an agent of the oppressive Zambian regime and turned against the wishes and aspirations of his people. Let us forget him and his group of self-appointed and self-serving Barotse Royal Establishment. Everything they do is against the BNC resolutions. Clearly, they are fighting against the will of the people of Barotseland.  

Tukongote—Litunga Lye Tu