Zambia state machinery unleash terror on Barotseland nationals—as they prosecute Two on trumped-up charge of attempting to procure military hardware


by freelance correspondent

  In their continued terror—killings, prosecution, intimidation and harassment—against the people of Barotseland, the Zambian regime is actively using its state machinery as an instrument of terror. The Judiciary through Magistrate Webster Milumbe is working closely together with a Police Officer by the name of Musumali Mundia in prosecuting a Barotseland national, 56 year old Muleta Nawa Kalaluka on a trumped-up charge of attempting to procure military hardware from Angola.   Mr. Kalaluka appeared before Magistrate Milumbe on November 15, 2016 in Kaoma for continued questioning by Mr. Mundia a District Criminal Investigations Officer for Kalabo. Mr. Kalaluka is currently on bail while his co-accused, Rocky Lubinda Nyambe was bundled behind bars where his life is now under threat. Bizarre circumstances of the case are yet to be established. However, charges against Barotseland nationals are routinely changed throughout trail and on passing judgement with the end result that victims never really know the crime against which they are defending themselves.