Zambia’s Director of Public Prosecutions conniving with Zambia Police and BRE to Humiliate Hon. Sinyinda—as the international community is called upon to recognize Barotseland statehood and stop the Zambia regime’s violence


by BNFA Publicity Wing

  Reliable sources have confided to Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) that the unholy alliance between the oppressive Zambian regime and its agent, the embattled Edwin Lubosi Imwiko, are conniving to drag Hon. Clement Wainyae Sinyinda, the BNFA Chairman-General, to court on a trumped charge of threatening violence. The source informed Hon. Sinyinda on 29th November 2016 that the Judiciary in Mongu has received instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions to commence criminal legal action against him.   The BNFA shall not relent in actualizing Barotseland statehood in a legal, democratic, diplomatic and non-violent manner. The BNFA shall not be cowed by these threats and mechanization but vows to continue its non-violence liberation of the nation of Barotseland from annexation of the Zambian regime. We are aware that the enemies and detractors of Barotseland freedom struggle are also determined to frustrate our efforts. The Zambian regime has been violent from the start and this cannot be expected to continue in perpetuity. This is no longer the time for the international community to watch on the sidelines but to recognize Barotseland’s right to statehood and impose sanctions against the oppressive Zambia regime.   Facts of the matter are that on 24th September 2016, Hon Sinyinda was reliably informed that the disgraced Barotse Royal Establishment Indunas held a meeting in which among others he was the subject of discussion. Hon Sinyinda called Mr. Mowa Zambwe and advised him to desist from making him a subject of their meetings. On 12th October 2016, Hon. Sinyinda was summoned and detained at Mongu Police Station where he was made to sign a warn and caution statement. He was informed that Mr. Zambwe had reported him to the police on the charge of threatening violence.