sinyinda-portraitMy fellow Barotse compatriots at home and in the Diaspora, and those visiting with us, as you celebrate Christmas with family and friends; as you deeply reflect on those treasured moments spent with loved ones; and as you renew your faith in Christ Jesus, I bring you my special Christmas greetings and merriment.   I assure all the Barotseland compatriots that the Barotse National Freedom Alliance remains a vanguard mass organization that shall always stand by the 27th March 2012 Barotse National Council resolutions. We remain resolute in implementing the resolutions in a peaceful manner.   We call on all of you to be united and uphold unity of purpose as we continue the struggle against the annexation of Barotseland by the Zambian regime.   To the Zambian regime, we challenge you to emulate Jesus Christ and respect the right of Barotseland to statehood. To the international community, we urge you to recognize Barotseland statehood and support us in discharging the Zambian regime from our territory.   As the angelic host rang out on that first Christmas morning, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men”. I bring you the peace of Christmas.   We cannot celebrate the true spirit of Christmas if we do not honor the values of the Prince of Peace. I encourage you to have peaceful thoughts toward your neighbors and those with whom you differ politically and religiously.   Christmas is not just a time of merriment, partying, shopping and even fellowshipping with family and friends—it is a time to embrace the less fortunate, the stranger, people who are different from us. Let us pay attention to those who need our care and support—the victims of abuse, the infirmed, the ailing and those with special needs as well as our senior citizens. The Christmas story tells us, God cares deeply about the poor and marginalized. Barotseland is made poor by design. We are marginalized by design. But God cares.   He favors the oppressed and dispossessed. As we are His children we must follow His footsteps.   I salute the National Executive Committee, the Regional Committees, the Barotse Imilemas and the rank and file of the Barotse National Freedom Alliance for their relentless efforts in the liberation struggle as well as all the Barotse for their continued support and perseverance.   Let us remember the families of our members who face a very painful Christmas this year. Let us pay tribute to our members who are facing persecution, prosecution and incarceration at the hands of our tormentors. May the peace of Christ comfort and sustain them and their families. May the compassion of Christ be extended to all nations.   There are people who have lost loved ones this year through various circumstances. Remember them at this time. Visit with them. Call them. Pray for them. Let them know you care.   This being Christmas Day, I am sure that you would like to be with your families. You exemplify the spirit of Christmas. Accept my thanks from a grateful but oppressed nation.   My fellow Barotse, I wish for you and your families a very warm and Holy Christmas, and Happy and Prosperous 2017 as we move forward to embrace a new and independent nation of Barotseland.   May God continue to bless you.   God bless Barotseland, the country we love. Signed Clement Wainyae Sinyinda Chairman General and Former Ngambela of Barotseland