Let us all match together to the High Court of Zambia in Mongu

on February 24, 2017 in support of the traditionalists


by the BNFA Publicity Wing

  An oppressed people who do not strive to learn to fight for their rights, freedom and independence only deserve to be treated like slaves. The people of Barotseland should be clear in their minds that from May 18, 1964 Barotseland became a colony of Zambia and that the people of Barotseland and Zambia have never been treated equally. It is as a result of this treatment that:  
  1. Barotseland is today turned into another province of the oppressive regime of Zambia and the most poverty stricken territory of Zambia.
  2. The resources of Barotseland (trees, fish, minerals, etc) are being harvested illegally by Zambia in order to ensure that the people of Barotseland remain poor.
  3. The Litunga is controlled and used by the oppressive regime as an instrument of oppression.
  The interference of the Zambia regime in the cultural and traditional affairs of Barotseland has gone to a point where the Zambian regime even directly gets involved in the installation of a Litunga. This has made self-serving Litungas servants and agents of the Zambian governments. It is for this reason that we see the embattled Edwin Lubosi Imwiko II turn against his people. In particular Edwin Lubosi Imwiko II chose to:     The BNFA is calling on the people to rally behind its leadership, the BNC Resolutions and welcomes the court action taken by the traditionalists, lead by Induna Imbwae, Nawiba Imikendu against Edwin Lubosi Imwiko II. We encourage him to take the bold step of voluntarily abdicating the Litungaship in order to avoid further shame and avert the continued suffering of the people of Barotseland.   We further call on the embattled BRE to realize that they have long lost the support of the people and that their time has come to step aside. The Zambian regime should stop interfering in the governance of Barotseland and release all the Barotse incarcerated in their jails.   As an organization, we know that every oppressor is always armed and uses its state machinery, including its courts against the oppressed people, it is for this reason that we call upon all our members to stand-up and support the traditionalists. Even if you don’t have guns, your peaceful pressure will bring about desired results. Let us all match together to the High Court of Zambia in Mongu with the traditionalists on February 24, 2017. Let us fight for our freedom inside and outside Zambia’s courts.