7 Barotseland youth nabbed for unlawful assembly hardly 3 days following Africa Freedom Day—We demand their immediate release and medical examination by independent doctors


by BNFA Publicity Wing

  Hardly 2 days following Africa Freedom Day, Zambia police in Mongu nabbed seven Barotseland youth for unlawful assembly on May 28, 2017. This is line with the oppressive state of Zambia’s continued denial of the people of Barotseland’s basic human rights, in particular the freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of association. The affected youth are: Saviour Silumesi Mumbela, Pumulo Silumesi, Nawa Nawa, Inambao Mwanangombe, Loyd Musialela, Simwi and Vincent Mwakoi (the mole). The youth are members of Barotseland Imilemas (a youth group) who decided to visit their colleague Sinonge Lutangu at his house in Mulambwa in the wake of a bereavement. Lutangu was not home at the time but had gone out to harvest his rice. Mwakoi decided to call police on his friends.   The police nabbed the youth and decided to detain in 3 separate centers thereby provide a loophole to release their mole. Mumbela, Silumesi and Nawa were moved to Limulunga where they were sprayed with unknown chemical in the cells by the police. Mwanangombe, Musialela and Simwi were moved to Mongu central police while the police pretended to take their mole—Mwakoi to Mongu airport police but released him along the way. Today, May 30, the 6 appeared for mention before a Mongu Magistrate and the case has been adjourned to June 12, 2017. In the meantime, the youth remained under dentation while no action has been taken against the police for spraying the youth with unknown chemical or protect them from further abuse. We urge the people of Barotseland to stand up for their rights. Today is Mumbela and tomorrow it’s you. We demand immediate release of our youth and their medical examination by independent doctors.