Rights of nations to self-determination


by BNFA Publicity Wing

  All countries seeking independence that are members of UNPO have a right to be free, to be freed by their colonial masters. This is the situation Barotseland finds herself under since 18th May 1964. The question of the Right of Nations to self -determination can be from general concepts of law and from a historical-economic context. It is true that throughout the world, the period when capitalism replaced feudalism has been linked up with national liberation movement. This is a period when humanity experienced the worst oppression, dictatorship and misery by the rulers or exploiters, hence the uprisings.   The target of the dictator, exploiter or oppressor is to take full control of the natural resources, production of commodities, culture and language. The exploiters make sure jobs in such sectors as production industry and services are under his people. They target the destruction of the culture and language of the local people. They create obstacles to the development of the colony, as to make the indigenous people poorer and render them dependent on the colonizer. Most of this colonial regimes target to exterminate the local language and replace with their own because it is the most important tool of human interaction in all spheres of communication. Therefore, it is apparent for the oppressed people to resist and reject the colonialist’s language, culture and domination, as well refrain from participating in the oppressor’s politics, no matter the inducement.   Self-determination is given birth by the brutal and harsh economic conditions in which poor people of different countries have been subjected-to at the hand of their colonial masters. These harsh economic conditions have always led to the beginning of an uprising. In this regard, self-determination of nations means formation of political institutions and independent national states. Given this understanding, the meaning of self-determination of nations can not fall short of political self-determination, state independence, and the formation of national state.   The war for self-determination in all countries has been fought by local peoples. It had been fought by women and teenage children, even as far back as 1871 in France, alongside men. Since then, it has not been different in all battles of liberation in order to overthrow the colonialist’s. Oppressed women and teenagers never looked on passively as their poorly armed men or unarmed men are shot down by the well armed and trained forces of the oppressor. The Organization African Unity now African Union courts and through the African Commissions on human and people’s right, recognises that autonomy and economic self-determination are compatible with the constitutive act and should be recognised as rights.   Therefore, oppressed people should not wait for or expect anyone to liberate them. It is incumbent on them to liberate themselves in unison. Self-determination is a war of political power and control of economic resources. This is why always the oppressors and his agents are always vicious, but the oppressed should never loose hope because God is always on their side.