Marvin Mwanamwambwa and Likando Kalaluka join BRE traitors


by Samaswe

  Marvin Mwanamwambwa, Zambia’s Deputy Chief Justice and Likando Kalaluka, Zambia’s Attorney General today, October 27, 2017 held a one hour closed-door meeting with embattled Litunga Edwin Lubosi Imwiko in Lealui. Mwanamwambwa and Kalaluka join the list of treacherous Barotseland nationals betraying the struggle to actualize Barotseland independence.

This confirms recent reports that the Zambian government is panicking over BNFA’s presentation at the United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review process in Geneva on October 10, 2017. Further, the two Iscariots are searching for ways and means of rescuing Edwin from the Imbwae and others court case. They are also working with Lubosi against the wishes and aspirations of the people of Barotseland by drafting a deceitful watered down document to replace the defunct Barotseland Agreement 1964. In his continued campaign of deceit Edwin is tomorrow, October 28, 2017 going to announce additional Likombwa and a dialogue team of puppets for his new agreement.

This serves to inform the people of Barotseland and the international community that anyone who associates with Edwin Lubosi to circumvent the Barotse National Council  Resolutions of 2012 is an enemy of Barotseland. Such people are hell bent on plunging Barotseland into a blood-bath. Zambia and Lubosi have neither power nor authority over Barotseland and cannot dictate a new agreement for the people of Barotseland. The Barotse had pleaded in vain for over 50 years with Zambia to respect and implement the BA’64. Zambia cannot be allowed to continue playing games with the people of Barotseland. The BNC resolutions of 2012 are the only way forward. BNFA should remain steadfast in implementing the BNC resolutions of 2012.