Malozi are the master of their own destiny


by Saleya Kwalombota

The presentation of BNFA on October 10, 2017 in Geneva at the 28th pre-session on the occasion of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Republic of Zambia must be given a credit and is a milestone in terms of international awareness. We are pleased that the efforts of BNFA have boosted Barotseland people's pride. In this case, every national of Barotseland should take up the challenge in selling the cause of Barotseland independence.

We must take pride in the efforts of BNFA in asserting to our democracy and governance, Cf; article 4 of the Barotseland Agreement 1964, no. 3b is very explicit, defines the government of Barotseland. Thus, overrules any misinterpretation of the Barotse National Council  Resolutions of 2012 giving mandate of action to Barotseland government not Barotse Royal Establishment.

Barotseland sovereignty in the past was protected through treaties and later Order-In-Councils and after colonial rule through the Barotseland Agreement 1964. Unfortunate, the said Agreement ceased to have legal effect following unilateral termination of it, rendering it nonbinding as such secession is misnomer as Barotseland is not seceding from anything in setting itself up as sovereign monarchy state.

Following the BNC resolutions of 2012, Barotseland has reverted to its original status (nation state) in-line with the doctrine of Postliminium. Cf: BNC resolutions of 2012 preamble par no. 13,

"In line with the doctrine of Postliminium we can no longer be obliged to honor an international Agreement that the other party has nullified and abrogated, which has reverted us to our original status".

A rhetoric question may be asked, who are the stakeholders to supervise the process of postliminium doctrine? The answer is in the preamble of abrogated BA'64,

"--- Litunga of Barotseland, acting on his own behalf, his heirs and successors, his council and the chiefs and people of Barotseland of the other part...."

It is self-explanatory and overrules any doubt that the people of Barotseland are principle stakeholders as such they have every right to secure the territory's sovereign.

I would like to express my deepest hope that after BNFA's presentation in Geneva the world will hold Barotseland people civilized and more democratic than Zambia that is encroaching in our land. The centralism of governance is incompatible with democratic monarchy of Barotseland that respects human rights and provides totality adherence to rule of law. It is better to appreciate the fact that Barotseland people in the past have been masters of their destiny save for a brief period of Kololo rule.

Furthermore, the enemies of Barotseland independence are a victim of misinterpreting of the historical events necessitated the formation of Zambia. Barotseland is no longer interested in the incompetent Lusaka based central government, we have to take up control of our affairs. We must not hesitate to discard the Zambian laws as Barotseland laws are not subservient to Zambian laws. We are not obligated to loyalty towards Zambian authoritarian in our territory. There is nothing unlawfully done by asserting or reclaiming Barotseland's sovereignty against Zambia apart from misconceptions and preconceived ideas. No particular law is broken hence the people of Barotseland should not fear to participate in the upcoming mass action activities aimed at Barotseland independence actualization.

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