Zambia oppressors must leave Barotseland


by BNFA Publicity Wing

We are tired of foreign rule and because of this the fabric of our democracy has been ruined in an attempt to destroy Barotseland. We must stand and fight to defend our democratic governance system and our self-rule. There is no other repository of power than people governing themselves. Members of other tribes and races from Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) need not be afraid of Barotseland independence. Those who wish to be citizen of Barotseland are welcome. Those who are adamant and hate us should understand that Zambia rejected Barotseland as far back as 1969 and it took us more than 52 years to accept that rejection. Barotseland’s demand for freedom must be respected and fulfilled. We have suffered human rights violations and other forms of discrimination at the hands of Zambia for far too long and this cannot be allowed to continue. We are not sharing the same territory. Barotseland territory and Zambia territory are two separate territories.

The continued looting of Barotseland jobs, resources (trees, cattle, fish, minerals) and education system is a well calculated strategy to exterminate the Barotseland people, their culture, language, tradition and territory. This is done to deceive the people and international community that the death rates are natural yet they are caused. Our people dying of malnutrition related cases are more than 90%. It is pathetic to find an expecting mother weighing between 45kg to 50 kg. Zambia’s laws are tailored to make the Barotse poorer. The food basket for a family of 5 in Barotseland is K4,500 yet 99% of the people are not working because their jobs have been taken over by foreigners from Northern Rhodesia where the so called recruitment takes place. It is shameful to find this kind of situation in a so called Christian nation.

These cruel colonialists must know that the power leaders possess comes as a result of mutual agreement between the leaders and the lead. In our case, there is no mutual agreement between Barotseland and Zambia, which simply means that you don’t have mandate to be leaders in our territory and over our people. The fact that the BNFA chooses to be non-violent is not a sign of weakness nor acceptance of your leadership. This is why you are called oppressors and you must know that there are limits to oppression.

The cohabitation between Barotseland and Zambia has come to a final end and it shall neither be restored nor renegotiated. Why do you fail to explain to your people the meaning of your unitary state, which failed in 1969 or your hypocritical slogan of one Zambia, one nation when you have rejected the territory which brought about that unitary state. The people of Barotseland through the Barotse National Council  Resolutions of March 27, 2012 have reclaimed their political power. Respect the decision of the people of Barotseland.

Which government has ever rejected a unity treaty bringing together two separate territories to form one nation? Only the Zambian government did so and by abrogating the unity treaty—the Barotseland Agreement 1964 in 1969, the Zambian government legally separated the territory of Zambia from Barotseland. It is the government of Zambia that committed treason against itself. Why do you persecute our people for your own transgressions? The uncivilized Zambians simply pretend that they don’t know, yet they are busy pursuing the Barotseland people and running away from international arbitration. Now they stand in fear and shame, yet busy stealing our jobs and resources. It is this fear, shame and stealing that makes Zambian regimes spend millions of kwcha in military hardware and personnel to suppress Barotseland. They are busy giving employment to their people, arming their people, incarcerating Barotse nationals and committing other forms of human rights violations against the Barotse. Unfortunately, little do they know or pretend not to know that the very act of occupying Barotseland will cost them much more—reparation costs are accumulating by the day.

BNFA has a right to demand independence on behalf of the people of Barotseland and through non-violence as a matter of policy. Non-violence calls for courage and deeper appreciation of human problems. For we are decent enough not to contemplate taking human life and destroying property as well as  also decent enough not to allow political idiots and uncivilized people continue poisoning the people of Barotseland with hate messages of divide and rule based on an egoistic tribal supremacy. It is time for the Zambians to leave Barotseland. DON’T SAY YOU WERE NOT TOLD.  DON’T SAY YOU DID NOT KNOW.