Monthly Archives: March 2014

Rest in Peace, Moyo Imwambo

by a Mongu Correspondent

On the afternoon of Monday, 17th March 2014, the late Queen to His Majesty King Lubosi Imwiko II, Moyo Imwambo, Rosaleen Mulako Lisulo-Imwiko was finally put to rest at Mutwiwamba, some 13 kilometres south of Mongu along the Mongu-Senanga road. Her resting place has since been named Mbatiwana, a Si-Luyana word meaning “you will find us.” The death of the Queen has been the first ever witnessed in respect of a reigning King of Barotseland and left staunch traditionalist, the old and the young bewildered as no one had a clue on how to handle a calamity of such a high ranking personality. Read more

Zambian government’s desperation over the people of Barotseland’s Banjul petition

by the Barotse National Freedom Alliance Executive Committee

Following recent rumors concerning Government of Zambia (GRZ)’s maneuverings on the matter of Barotseland’s petition at the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), based in Banjul, the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) has reliably leant that the Zambian delegation has returned from Banjul, having delivered a pledge from GRZ to resolve the issue of Barotseland by March 15, 2014. If at all this is true, this in itself amounts to additional evidence in our favor delivered by GRZ itself in Banjul, whereby, they pledged to interfere with the petitioners. In the alternative, they could have asked for more time, thereby availing themselves enough room to continue interfering with the petitioners, in particular the Barotse authorities. GRZ’s objective is to force the petitioners to withdraw the matter, realizing that it has no grounds what-so-ever to counter the compelling evidence submitted by the BNFA and the Barotse authorities. Read more

Building international pressure for recognition of Barotseland statehood and Zambia to vacate Barotseland

by BNFA Executive Committee

The continuing attempts by Zambia to force an independent nation of Barotseland to remain under its yoke, without its consent, is a flagrant violation of the rights of the Barotse people, with the result that, under international law, Zambian authorities and State institutions must immediately vacate Barotseland. The BNFA is calling on the people of Barotseland, wherever they may be, to append their names and signatures to the submission of Arbitration Agreement (submission Agreement) appended hereto, which has been prepared with the support of our international lawyers. The purpose of the submission Agreement is to compel Zambia to come before international courts with or without President Sata’s signature, subsequent to the Banjul petition as part of our continued efforts in building international pressure for the recognition of Barotseland statehood and Zambia to vacate our nation. This action, notwithstanding, we still reserve the right to pursue other options available to us at any time, now and in the future – including calling for international sanctions against Zambia.

We call upon you to contribute to this effort, en masse, by appending your name and signature to the submission Agreement to enable the BNFA Executive to take this initiative forward.

How do I submit my name and signature? Simply click on the submission Agreement to open it or click here, print and sign it with your compatriots, use additional paper to collect more signatures, if necessary. Scan the signed submission Agreement and all names and signatures. Send them by email to as an attachment.