Daily Archives: March 7, 2014

Zambian government’s desperation over the people of Barotseland’s Banjul petition

by the Barotse National Freedom Alliance Executive Committee

Following recent rumors concerning Government of Zambia (GRZ)’s maneuverings on the matter of Barotseland’s petition at the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), based in Banjul, the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) has reliably leant that the Zambian delegation has returned from Banjul, having delivered a pledge from GRZ to resolve the issue of Barotseland by March 15, 2014. If at all this is true, this in itself amounts to additional evidence in our favor delivered by GRZ itself in Banjul, whereby, they pledged to interfere with the petitioners. In the alternative, they could have asked for more time, thereby availing themselves enough room to continue interfering with the petitioners, in particular the Barotse authorities. GRZ’s objective is to force the petitioners to withdraw the matter, realizing that it has no grounds what-so-ever to counter the compelling evidence submitted by the BNFA and the Barotse authorities. Read more