Daily Archives: March 20, 2014

Rest in Peace, Moyo Imwambo

by a Mongu Correspondent

On the afternoon of Monday, 17th March 2014, the late Queen to His Majesty King Lubosi Imwiko II, Moyo Imwambo, Rosaleen Mulako Lisulo-Imwiko was finally put to rest at Mutwiwamba, some 13 kilometres south of Mongu along the Mongu-Senanga road. Her resting place has since been named Mbatiwana, a Si-Luyana word meaning “you will find us.” The death of the Queen has been the first ever witnessed in respect of a reigning King of Barotseland and left staunch traditionalist, the old and the young bewildered as no one had a clue on how to handle a calamity of such a high ranking personality. Read more