Daily Archives: January 26, 2015

We are out–BNFA writes President Lungu and challenges him, among others, to sign the PCA submission Agreement

by Clement W Sinyinda

Since independence, the people of Barotseland have watched with great dismay how successive Zambian regimes violated the Barotseland Agreement 1964; the very fabric of the basis of the unitary state of Zambia thereby leading to its unilateral repudiation in 1969, and, thereafter, continued violations of the human rights of the peoples of Barotseland… we challenge you: … To append your signature to the Permanent Court of Arbitration submission Agreement process to allow the International Court of Arbitration to rule on the unilateral abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 by the Zambian government in 1969 and the declaration of self-determination and self-rule by Barotseland following its acceptance thereof through the Barotse National Council resolutions of March 27, 2012. In this regard, our Lawyers will soon be mailing to you the facilitating documentation to enable Your Excellence append your signature to the submission Agreement. …
Read more-html letter to Zambia new president