Daily Archives: February 20, 2016

Renegade BIs get it rough and tough in Lukulu

by Mampi Ñundamai

A group of renegade Barotseland Imilemas (BIs) on a mission clearly in conjunction with the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) or more precisely the three Iscariots and the government of the Republic of Zambia—the oppressive regime—got it rough and tough in Lukulu as the populace resisted their malicious manoeuvres and warned them to disappear if they did not want a worse plague than what they experienced in Sisheke to befall them. Read more-html Read more-pdf

“HALULATI! Just re-convene the BNC”—Likuta za Likiliti tell the three Iscariots

by Mampi Ñundamai

“Halulati! Just re-convene the Barotse National Council if you want any changes to the March 27th 2012 BNC Resolutions” was the response from the Kaunga kuta to the proposition of the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) trio of Induna Kalonga (Lubasi Nalishua), Induna Katema (Mowa Zambwe) and Induna Isineke Namuyamba (Dominic Lisulo)—the three Iscariots. Read more-html Read more-pdf