Monthly Archives: July 2017

Terrorism and counter-insurgency in Africa– the failure of Africa’s political leadership

by Sitwala Namwinji Imenda

Unitary states are made up of more than one unit. They come together as a consequence of rigorous negotiations which usually culminate in administrative arrangements typically enshrined in agreements. Their main characteristic is that they can be deconstructed and are, therefore, divisible or can be separated if the conditions that brought them together are not respected, honoured or do not apply any longer. Examples include the United Republic of Tanzania, which was made up of Tanganyika and Zanzibar with Pemba; the Unitary Republic of Zambia, which was made up of the amalgamation of the two former British protectorates of Barotseland and Northern Rhodesia through the signing of the Barotseland Agreement 1964. …  Failure to do so could render the unitary system to crumble and no fuss or commotion should be brought to bear on any of the concerned parties, especially the aggrieved one, wanting to opt out. Read more-pdf