Daily Archives: July 13, 2021

Barotseland invited to UNPO Land Rights meeting

by BNFA Publicity Wing

Barotseland has been invited to make a presentation and submission at UNPO meeting on land rights violations and moving forward. The purpose is to inform the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Barotseland will be represented by the BNFA.

United Nations Rapporteur on Minority issues dates Barotseland

by BNFA Publicity Wing

Barotseland has been invited by United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues to make a presentation on Africa-Middle East Regional Forum on Minority Issues. The focus of this event is Conflict Prevention and the Protection of the Human Rights of Minorities. “Many of today’s violent conflicts relate to group-based grievances arising from inequality, exclusion, and feelings of injustice. It is when an aggrieved group assigns blame to others or to the state for its perceived economic, political, or social exclusion that its grievances may become politicized and risk tipping into violence.” This is one of the main conclusions in the first joint study by the United Nations and the World Bank Group on preventing violent conflict. Barotseland will be represented by the BNFA.