About Us

Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) started as an umbrella organization of all activists’ groups (Linyungandambo, Barotse Freedom Movement, Movement for the Restoration of Barotseland, Barotse Imilemas, Barotse Youth league and others) formed for the purpose of implementing the sovereign resolutions of March 2012 Barotse National Council in a pacific manner and protecting the human rights of the peoples of Barotseland.  On July 8, 2016, BNFA transformed itself into a mass organization.


The vision of the BNFA is to attain a fully self-governing and democratic state of Barotseland and safe guard the human rights of the peoples of Barotseland.


The Mission of the BNFA is to actualize the Barotse National Council Resolution of 27th March, 2012 by mobilizing the people of Barotseland and galvanizing the support of the international community to secure the right to self-determination of the people of Barotseland, and protecting the human rights of the people of Barotseland.

The aim of the Alliance is to organize and spear head efforts of the people of Barotseland in attaining recognition of their right to self-determination and safe guarding the human rights of the peoples of Barotseland.


The objectives of the Alliance are to:

  1. spear head political, legal and other legitimate actions required to peacefully re-instate the status of Barotseland as a self governing nation;
  2. Protect the human rights of the peoples of Barotseland;
  3. promote a democratic culture in respect of reconstituting and modernizing the traditional governance structures of Barotseland;
  4. promote a worldwide campaign of awareness of the constitutional development of Barotseland during the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods;
  5. provide a platform for formulation of policy, constitutional framework and power structures of Barotseland; and
  6. fund raise and mobilize resources required for the achievement of these objectives.

These objectives can not be achieved without your support. We call on the international community to support Barotseland’s legitimate right to self-determination as a people and sovereign nation. Support the restoration of the human rights of the people of Barotseland with your donation.