Barotseland Statehood

Barotseland is an old nation under occupation by a new state called Zambia (former Northern Rhodesia). Barotseland is currently seeking recognition and support from the international community as Africa’s newest 55th state.

On March 27, 2012, Barotseland declared its independence from Zambia, following its acceptance of Zambia’s unilateral abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964(BA’64) in 1969 and subsequent 43 years of futile attempts to restore the BA’64. The BA’64 was the basis on which the territories of Barotseland and the rest of Northern Rhodesia agreed to proceed to independence  as one country in 1964 and of safe guarding Barotseland autonomy in the new state of Zambia. By unilaterally abrogating the BA’64,  Zambia simultaneously violated the people of Barotseland’s fundamental human rights of self determination and set in motion the process of separation of the two territories. Barotseland and what remains of Zambia are now two separate states. The government of Zambia has been called upon to negotiate the disengagement process, which includes formal dissolution of the unitary state as established at independence,  in the shortest period under the auspices of the United Nations. The negotiations are to take place on neutral ground provided by a third country, as would be mutually agreed by the parties.

Zambia has been further called upon to stop the continued harassment, intimidation and arrests of Barotse activists, and unconditionally free all Barotse political prisoners and detainees.