All posts by lwatile

International Community called upon to recognize Bulozi statehood and impose sanctions against Zambia…

by BNFA Executive

Following President Sata’s  steadfast refusal to sign the PCA Arbitration Agreement in an apparent recognition of Zambia’s acts of flagrant violation of the Barotseland Agreement 1964, where to date more than 10,000 Baroseland representatives have appended their signatures in order to allow for an independent and neutral arbitrary tribunal in The Hague to rule upon the  status of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 in accordance with international law,  the people of Barotseland are accordingly calling on the international community to recognize their sovereignty status and to impose sanctions against Zambia in order to compel it to vacate Barotseland.

Ode to Nelson Mandela from the Barotse National Freedom Alliance Excutive Committee

Today, the Barotse National Freedom Alliance celebrates the passing of an African Giant whose contribution to World politics in general and the protection of human rights in particular shall remain a relevant reference point for all generations to come. Mandela is perhaps the most widely quoted figure on the African political scenery, and his statement at the close of the Rivonia Trial wherein he ended by offering to die for the ideal of a democratic South Africa devoid of racial domination has struck a cord in many a revolutionary. We believe, however, that the critical element of Mandela’s teachings to those who wield power over others is the one where he said “there comes a time when those whose rights are trodden upon have to choose between submission to the oppressors and fighting to regain their humanity”.

All violent revolutions and liberations processes have been precipitated by unyielding rulers who refuse to recognize or acknowledge their error in denying basic elements of humanity, social, economic and cultural rights to those they lord it over. Mandela’s teaching in this respect is that “no people is perpetually too weak to stand up for its rights”. The people of Barotseland are proving this fact right. We send our heart felt condolences to the Mandela family, the ANC, the Government and people of South Africa. They should be consoled by the fact that Mandela’s shinning torch shall transcend all time to come. May His Soul Rest in Peace.